Saturday, November 28, 2015

How to be a Friend- a Tutorial

How to be a Friend- a Tutorial

We've all been there. A wallflower. An outcast. A loner. That one person that's by themselves at social gatherings, school, parties, etc. You've probably just walked right past them, without even giving them a second glance. They've learned to just blend in with the wallpaper, with their surroundings and with their environment.

Well, why don't you ever just approach someone who's lonely and start talking to them? Because it's not cool? Because your friends wouldn't approve? Because you wouldn't approve your friends doing that? Or because you just plain don't want to? 

Look, pal, I need you to think about this for a second. Why do you ignore them? I mean, is it going to hurt you to go up and say hi? Are you physically disabled and not able to strike up a conversation with that person? I mean, it's not that hard to say "Oh, hi, I'm ____". 

I mean- that "hi" could have been a big change in that person's life. Come on, be a neighbor. Maybe you guys'll even become friends.

                                       Never Growing Up

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Like, Crushes?

Like, Crushes?

So... What the hell are feelings? Like, what are hormones? wHAT are crushes? Why do I feel physically and emotionally attracted to someone? Especially if it's someone that is soooo out of my league? Like, do I enjoy watching myself suffer? Do I enjoy feeling my heart break into a thousand tiny pieces when they get together with someone else? Well, I guess so. 

What to do if you have a crush? You can't do anything about it. But the best piece of advice I can tell you is tell no one, and never think about him/her and instead, fall in love with ice cream. Trust me, it works. 

But, like, I can't stress this enough. DON'T. TELL. ANYONE. If word somehow slips out, and everyone finds out, at least you can tell everyone in your defense that you never told anyone. Having a crush is one thing, but talking about it is another. If you blab and blab and blab about who you like and how cute he is, don't go around scratching your head because everyone knows who you like.

@ friends, stop being annoying and asking who I like as well. If your friends don't appreciate your personal space, they're not true friends. So what I'm saying is if you have friends that don't appreciate your privacy, DUMP 'EM. It works. It works.

     Signing out,

It'sCalledTeenager, Never Growing Up.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to My Blog!
Hey, guys! So... This is my first post... Well, hiya! I'm going to start off with a list of a lot of things that teenagers face. I'll probably address all of these later on, but let's just start with the basics, shall we?

1) Terribly terrible friends: this one is a major bummer. But everyone goes through it- so many friends will be lost along the way, but you'll make new ones, too!

2) Embarrassing moments: yeah, so... Apparently, denying that you did something embarrassing will make the situation worse, but... Next time you do something embarrassing, instead of denying it and getting embarrassed, laugh with them, and talk it off.

3) Parents: they're so annoying. They won't leave you alone, will they? But after you fight with them, and you make up, it won't hurt to tell them that you love them, will it?

Well, that's all for now, guys! Bye!

              ~It'sCalledTeenager... Never Growing Up.